Admin Tutorials and FAQs


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  • 1. How do I get a subscription?
  • 2. How do I get more information and preview lessons?

    Email us at, and we will be happy to set you up with lessons to preview.

  • 3. How do Admins enroll learners?

    The Enroll Learners function is found in: Admin > Users > Users > (select user(s) you want to enroll) > Enroll User

    Click on Add Course > select the lesson/curriculum





  • 4. What is a "User Transcript"?

    The "User Transcript" shows the learner’s username, all lessons in which a learner is enrolled, the status of those lessons (Complete, In Progress, Not Started), certificates of completion, and the date and duration of the learner’s last login.

  • 5. How do I view a "User Transcript"?

    The "User Transcript" can be found in: Admin > Users > Users > (select the user you want to view) > User Transcript



  • 6. How do I reset my password?



    Click "Forgot Password" on the login screen to have an email sent to the address associated with the user account. This email will contain a temporary link to reset the password. It is generated specifically for this user to reset their password and comes with the following conditions:

    • The link will expire in 24 hours

    • The link is only good for a single use.

    • If the user needs to reset their password beyond 24 hours after the link was generated, or after first use, they need to use the "Forgot Password" button to generate a new email.

  • 7. How do I become a sponsor?

    Send us an email at, and we will be happy to discuss the various sponsorship levels with you.

  • 8. How do I receive the latest news on lesson releases?

    As an admin, you will automatically receive emails announcing new lessons on Pork Avenue Training Portal. If you are not receiving email announcements, and would like to, please email us at

  • 9. How do I preview lessons?

    Send us an email at to get a demo username.

  • 10. Can I put some of my own lessons or videos on Pork Avenue Training Portal?

    Yes! If you are interested in hosting your lessons on Pork Avenue Training Portal, please email us at

  • 11. How do I fully unenroll a user?

    As an admin, you can unenroll any of your users from lessons/curriculum.

    Before you unenroll a user from lessons/curriculum, you should note that once the learner is unenrolled, the data from that lesson/curriculum can no longer be retrieved.

    The unenroll a user function is found in Admin > Users > Users > (name of user) > View Enrollments > (name of lesson) > Un-Enroll


  • 12. How do I know if a scheduled report is getting emailed?

    If you aren't included as a member of the group that will be receiving the report message you are creating, it's always a good idea to manually add yourself to the distribution list with your individual email address, so that you can receive it too (especially if you need to keep a copy for your own records).

    If you don't, the only way you will be able to access the transmitted report file each time it is sent, is by going to your generated reports tool and then clicking the appropriate report item to download it directly.

    And if that isn't reason enough, it also serves as a good reminder to let you know (and verify) that your regularly scheduled email is being sent how and when you want it.

  • 13. How do I quickly filter report results?

    Each displayed report column contains a filter for the data contained in that column. Select the "Quick Search" button located on the right side of the cell containing the report column name.

    This option can be very helpful when you are viewing your report and want to be able to further refine your data.

  • 14. How do I change a user’s lesson status?

    As the admin, you can change an individual lesson status to complete, not complete, or failed.

    Make sure you change the user’s status under "Course Activity" AND "Lesson Activity".

    Use the pencil icon in "Lesson Activity" to change the status. You can adjust scores and set a maximum number of attempts.

    The "Change Lesson Status" function is found in Admin > Users > (name of user) > User Transcript > (Lesson you are adjusting)

    Be sure to click "Save" once you have made all the adjustments.



  • 15. How do I set a due date for a lesson?

    As an admin, you can set due dates for lessons to be completed. This can be helpful when you need your learner to complete a lesson by a certain date.

    The "Due Date" function can be found in Admin > Users > (name of user) > User Transcript > (Lesson you are setting "Due Date" for)
    Be sure to click "Save" once you are finished.

  • 16. How do I view learner activity for a specific lesson?

    As an admin, you can look at a specific lesson and see which of your learners have been assigned specific lessons, their status (in progress, not started, completed), score, and date of completion. This can be helpful when you need to check which workers have been trained on a new task.

    Tip: If you notice that a learner has not started a lesson, you can set a due date for them to complete the lesson by. Check out “How do I set a due date for a lesson” to learn how. ***(set up a link to “How do I set a due date for a lesson” FAQ so they can directly go to that question if they want to) ***

    The "View Learner Activity" function can be found in Admin > Courses > (name of course) > View Activity Report

  • 17. How is Date and Time recorded in Pork Avenue Training Portal?

    Pork Avenue Training Portal uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to record date and time stamps for events such as certifications and course completions. The time is then converted to the time zone as set on the local machine of the user.

  • 18. What are Pork Avenue Training Portal’s minimum system requirements?

    Specifications: Pork Avenue Training Portal is constantly looking for new and better ways to get you up, running, and learning with us. We are currently in the process of developing our standardized device recommendations, but here are some good working guidelines that should cover the basics.

    General System Requirements:

    Video: Onboard video card with HD quality. Having a separate video card is best, preferably one with minimum 512mb RAM

    Memory: Minimum of 2GB RAM

    Processor: Minimum of a dual-core processor with 2GHz or better

    Network Card: 802.11b/g/n wireless card and/or Gigabit LAN card – Use the most current network adapter cards to ensure best possible connections speeds. The higher your connection speed the better the playback and performance will be. A minimum download speed of 3Gbps is necessary for most of the videos to play correctly.

    *Not sure about your connection speeds? Visit to test your upload and download capability.

    Realize that these guidelines represent just a few minimal threshold levels and that machines with better components will demonstrate better performance. Most of the minimum specifications are fairly easy to find in computer builds these days. Consult your IT specialist if you have questions or concerns about the capability of your machine.

    Mobile Devices

    As for mobile devices, Pork Avenue Training Support recommends the iPad simply due to performance. A designated mobile player (non-browser based) for the iPad has better support and functionality than its Android counterpart at present. If you do not go the iPad route, we recommend either the Google Nexus 7 or the Samsung Galaxy Tab. You will have to use a Chrome browser on an Android mobile device for best results. The Nexus comes with Chrome as the native browser, and Galaxy tablets can easily be installed with Chrome.

    Internet Connection

    When it comes to your internet connection, it is preferable to have a T1 line, cable internet, DSL; some kind of “high-speed internet.” Connecting directly with an Ethernet cable will provide best results, but we have also had good results with wireless connections. If you don’t have a reliable internet provider or signal, we have found that data over a mobile device’s cellular network, or through a cellular hotspot can work as well. The cellular carrier doesn’t matter (they all have WiFi hotspot devices), but confirm that there is a working signal in your area.

    If you have any other questions or would like any additional details, please don’t hesitate to contact the Pork Avenue Training Support Team at and we’ll go whole hog to make sure your experience with us is a positive one!

  • 19. What languages does Pork Avenue Training Portal support?

    All lessons in Pork Avenue Training Portal are available in English and Spanish.

  • 20. What is New in Pork Avenue Training Portal?

    As an admin, you will automatically receive emails announcing new lessons on Pork Avenue Training Portal. If you are not receiving email announcements, and would like to, please email us at

  • 21. Why are users getting errors about resetting their password?

    From time to time, your learners may encounter an error when using the "Forgot Password" functionality: "Resetting your password failed, please try again."

    On Pork Avenue Training Portal, users can click "Forgot Password" on the login screen to have an email sent to the address associated with their user account. This email will contain a link to reset their password. This link is temporary; it is generated specifically for this user to reset their password and comes with the following conditions:

    • The link will expire in 24 hours

    • The link is only good for a single use.

    • If the user needs to reset their password beyond 24 hours after the link was generated, or after first use, they need to use the "Forgot Password" button to generate a new email.

    New User Password Reset

    The same restrictions will apply to the password reset link in the New User email, but this one will expire in 7 days instead of 24 hours.

  • 22. Why aren’t courses being marked as complete?

    There are a few reasons why courses are not being marked as complete.


    Cause: Poor Internet Connection

    Reason: If the internet connection fails or goes out while a learner is taking a lesson, most likely the data will not be collected and scored to mark the course as complete.

    Solution: Always make sure you have a stable internet connection before starting any lesson, especially if it is a larger lesson.


    Cause: The learner has been logged into Pork Avenue Training Portal for an extended period of time.

    Reason: Each learner is granted a 4 hour session from when they initially login to Pork Avenue Training Portal. After 4 hours have elapsed, the connection to Pork Avenue Training Portal is terminated and any course progress that has not yet been saved is lost.

    Solution: The best way to avoid this is to ensure that learners are aware of the time limit and to plan accordingly.


    Cause: The learner is using an unsupported browser to access Pork Avenue Training Portal.

    Solution: Have the learner upgrade to a modern browser. We personally recommend using Google Chrome.


    If you have any questions about why a course is not being marked as complete, please contact us at

    Remember, as an admin, you can change a user’s lesson status from incomplete to complete. Take a look at “How do I change a user’s lesson status?” to learn how.

  • 23. Why aren’t users enrolled in the courses when they’re enrolled a curriculum?

    When you enroll a user into a curriculum, the user is not enrolled in the contained course until they launch the course in the "Learner Interface". This has been done so the user transcript and learner’s activity reports show a course’s accurate enrollment date, completion date, and time spent.

    When you enroll a user into a curriculum, you do not have to manually enroll the user into the individual courses, the user transcript will update as the user progresses through the curriculum.

  • 24. Why can’t I connect to Pork Avenue Training Portal?

    There are a few different possibilities:

    • A network/internet issue on your end is preventing you from accessing Pork Avenue Training Portal.

    • Pork Avenue Training Portal is currently being updated or is experiencing technical difficulties.

    Try reconnecting to your internet and using a different browser. We recommend using Google Chrome. If the issue persists, please contact us at

  • 25. Why can’t I see all my users?

    As an admin, you are only able to see active users. While this is, primarily, the information most useful to our clients, there are other admins that may have a preference to see the entire list of users. To find inactive users, we have to filter the users report.

    We have to filter the users report by STATUS > EQUALS > INACTIVE:

    Admin > Users > Users

    Add a filter for Status, Inactive

    If we want to display all users (both active and inactive) we can also add the filter STATUS > EQUALS > INACTIVE:

    Admin > Users > Users

    Add a filter for Status, Inactive

    With both filters now set, you are able to see active and inactive users.

  • 26. Why didn’t my entire report print?

    Any default or customized version of the "Print Report" that you decide to print will be fairly screen compliant. Meaning, what you see is what you get.

    Absorb has been configured to tell your web browser to only print the active LMS data contained in the layout window that you are viewing - at the time you click on the "Print Report" button. This means that the whole report won't be selected for a printout when this option is triggered, but only what's on the screen in front of you.

    The reason for this is that some of the reports in your portal can very often be very long and having this feature gives you a shortcut to print out only what you are looking at, without having the extra work of setting up particular page range to capture the individual entries you're after.

    So while there may in fact be other many columns and other records contained in your report's data set, if they are not on the actual screen when you click the "Print Report" button (based on the Items Per Page count you have chosen), then they won't be a part of your print out.

    If you ever need a paper copy of your entire report, then you can opt for the "Generate Report File" button instead. You will then be able to print the record of your report in full.

  • 27. Why didn’t my report get emailed?

    If your report did not get emailed to you, there is a chance you did not require the report to be emailed to you and you did not set the frequency. To do so, go to: Admin > Reports > (select the report you are wanting to be emailed)

    Click on the calendar button > turn on Email Report > fill out the necessary information

    Be sure to select the frequency for the report to be emailed to you.



  • 28. Why does my learner have conflicting course and lesson progress?

    The "Learner Progress Report" is sensitive to any manual changes you make to the completion status of a course. For example, if you go into a learner's course and mark them as having completed the course, but do not also mark each of their individual lessons (in the lesson activity portion of that course) as being complete, then Pork Avenue Training Portal will calculate their progress (%) as not having completed any of their lessons. Their lesson status will come up as zero.

    To learn how to manually change a learner’s status of a course, check out “How do I change a user’s lessons status?”

  • 29. Why doesn’t overriding lesson status, change course status?

    If a learner has already finished their training in a course, any change you make to their lesson status will not impact their overall course results.

    If you do want your learner's course outcome(s) to be different, you need to do so in the course activity portion of the edit activity workspace.

    To learn how to manually change a learner’s status of a course, check out “How do I change a user’s lessons status?”

  • 30. Why is report generation taking a long time?

    Generating your report files normally takes very little time to complete (usually only a matter of seconds), but on some occasions if you happen to have a really large / complicated file to assemble, the LMS may need a little more time to carry out your request.

    Should this ever happen, you can choose to close the progress modal in your portal (displayed at the beginning of this drop down) and carry on with your work. You should also understand before doing this that once it is closed the LMS will not be able to notify you when your report file is complete.

    That does not mean that your file request has been cleared, it just means that you will need to launch the "Generated Reports Report" and grab your newly created file found at the top of the other report instead.

    Another option is to try and hold off running your file requests for those reports that you know will be time intensive (if you can), until towards the end of you daily session and that way you can leave it to finish compiling, for when you get back.

  • 31. Why was a user re-enrolled in a course?

    If you choose the enroll option while having learners selected in the "Course Activity Report" in the exact same course that they are already enrolled in, Pork Avenue Training Portal will treat it as a re-enrollment in the course.

    In this case, each learner's previously active enrollment will be moved over to their enrollment history at whatever state it was at the time of the move (i.e. completed, not completed, etc.) Their latest, reset re-enrollment will become the active one for the course.

    Related to this, should you happen to delete the enrollments of the learners, their active enrollment data will be completely removed from the Pork Avenue Training Portal. The information for that enrollment will not be retained in their enrollment history, their enrollments column in the report will not be included, and they will be out of the course completely.

  • 32. Why were additional users selected after using a report filter?

    When you need to perform a mass action on multiple entries contained in one of your filtered reports, make sure you do not select any entries until after your report filter has done its job.

    The reason is because Pork Avenue Training Portal will still 'hold onto' your previous selections from before you triggered your filter - even if they shouldn't be a part of your post-filtered results. As a result, you could potentially end up making a large number of unwanted changes to your report (maybe even some that can't easily be undone) and not even know that you did it.

    To make sure this never happens to you, always make a point of checking in with the item count in the top right corner of the report grid. If you see a number different than what you expect, it's a good hint that you may have accidentally included some unwanted selections.

  • 33. I am an Admin. How do I add a user?

    To add a new user go to:

    Admin > Users > Users

    Click on "Add New User", and fill out all of the user’s information. Make sure you are linking the user to the correct department. Find the name of your company, then select the farm the new user will be working for. After this, select which department the user will be in (ex: farrowing).

    To send the user a message containing their login information, click on the "Messages" tab. Select “Send new user email”, and then turn to “Use Custom Template”. This will send a message to the user’s email, which you included in their information.

  • 34. I am an Admin. How do I reset another user’s password?

    Under "Actions", click on Reset Password.

  • 35. I am an Admin. How do I delete a user?

    We recommend deactivating a user instead of deleting a user. An inactive user will not be eligible to enroll in any lessons and they will not appear on any of the reports you run. However, all of their information and data collected from training with Pork Avenue Training Portal will be saved.

    To deactivate a user go to:

    Admin > Users > Users > name of user > Edit User

    At the bottom of the Info page, you will find an "Is Active" button. When a user is active the button will be blue and read "Active". To deactivate a user, click on the blue "Active" button. The button is now gray and reads Inactive.


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Unlock Your Managerial Potential
As a manager, you want to give your employees the education and resources they need to do their jobs well. Enroll your farm today and let Pork Avenue help you accomplish your management goals.
Use reports to identify employee strengths and opportunities. Monitor progress and acknowledge achievements! Let Pork Avenue Reports take your management abilities to a new level.

Enrolling Users in Lessons
Enrolling users is easy! You will learn how to enroll individual users and groups of users into single or multiple lessons. As always, if you have any questions, please contact us for help at We will go whole hog to help you effectively and efficiently use Pork Avenue Training Portal.

Helpful PDFs 

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